Gay Girl, Good God: The Story Of Who I Was, And Who God Has Always Been

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By: Jackie Hill-Perry 

Rating: A+

I honestly put this one off for a long time. I didn’t want to read it. But I am really glad I did.

I burned through this one. I listened to it on audible and I couldn’t stop listening.

The author narrates it and her words are so strong and poetic and her cadence of narration was engaging. It made perfect sense when I found out halfway through that she is a professional poet.

The story is Jackie’s life. Her upbringing and her struggles. She was molested as a child and her father was never in the picture. One of the most visceral parts of the book was the last day she spoke to her father. He said, “It’d be okay if we never spoke again.” To an adolescent girl. Heartbreaking.

Hearing that suffering so close and raw was a really good perspective.

Her same sex attraction was a complicated struggle that I will not butcher by describing. But Jackie really interprets it well.

The rest of the book is how she realized the clues of God pursuing her in every area of her life.

It was truly a great book about reaching people.

Jackie eventually gave in to God’s pursuit of her. She realized her many sins and her need for his true love. For her to be saved, she had to give God every corner of her heart. Every corner. It was an incredible testimony. 

She is now married to a man and has 2 kids. 

My favorite advice she gave to homosexuals:

“We are not our temptations. Our temptations are not our identities. We are God’s children. In Christ, we are Christians.”

My favorite advice she gave the church:

“Heterosexual marriage isn’t heaven. Being single and alone is not hell. The good news isn’t a heterosexual marriage but relationship with God.”

Her book is controversial to a lot of folks. I won’t butcher her words any more.

I want to get more proximate to suffering and point to Christ. That is what we are called to do. Fulfilling the Great Commission is difficult when it consists of unproductively posting your feelings and “truth” online. Fulfilling the Great Commission requires getting your hands dirty and building a real loving relationship with people face to face. That is the only way the good news can be heard. 

Strongly recommended. 

Albert G

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